Nature School

HelixLight Nature School

Nature-Based and Nature-Inspired Learning
(Coming Soon!)

HelixLight Nature School is a holistic nature-based school for children 8-11 years, with the aim of developing their personal areas of interest and unique abilities, encouraging creative expression, building strong mental, emotional and physical health skills, developing intuitive skills, and providing a solid foundation of learning skills and curiosity to serve them in the world transitions ahead. 

Students will engage in exploration-based learning that incorporates a homeschool-style approach (student-centred; teacher as facilitator and mentor; free structure; student-interest driven, field trips and community involvement, project-based, student choice); cross-curricular holistic integration; arts and literacy focus; circle-based community building; and all activities based on or inspired by nature – exploring nature, learning about nature, and learning through nature.  

Examples of nature-based learning in a variety of curricular areas
  • Music: rhythm and drumming with made or found instruments, singing, improvisation, creation, aural skills (listening and hearing sounds in nature)
  • English: storytelling (ancient practice of civilizations that lived close to nature – create and explore), poetry based on everyday experiences and thoughts while immersed in nature, writing (journals, etc), reading (wholesome and nature-based reading material), vocabulary, research (using English skills to research areas of interest or questions that arise in everyday explorations), practical real-world English
  • Drama: animal character drama creation, archetypal exploration (used in many cultures that live close to nature), role play, improvisation, drama games, creative visualization and expression
  • Art: drawing and painting what they see in nature, self-expression, stone and rock designs, nature photography
  • Languages: English and French (with daily activities in nature), and exploration of a variety of languages
  • Math: math skills based in the natural world, and used in the natural world (includes basic math skills and everyday living math skills), sacred geometry
  • Science: biology, physics, chemistry, geography, geology (including rocks and crystals)  – exploration, experiments, and research based on and inspired by real-world nature. Learning about natural features, elements, systems, etc, and how the natural world (and cosmos) operates – such a rich exploration that covers all curricular areas! Identifying and examining trees and plants, water and forest ecosystems, animal food chain, birds (visual and aural ID, behaviour patterns)
  • Cultural Studies: explore how other cultures are stewards of nature and how they interact with nature
  • Health: natural herbs and remedies found in nature (identify and learn about), frequency healing (with sound, energy, and light), anatomy (insects, birds, animals, humans), nutrition (help make nutritious noon meals and learn about health benefits of various foods)
  • Physical activity: hikes, nature sports, games, yoga, expressive movement (dance)
  • Mental health: nature as healer (forest bathing, earth connection, being near and in water for mental and emotional health, etc), mindfulness and meditation, stress management, emotional skills
  • Intuitive development: connect with and develop innate intuitive skills and abilities, and learn to communicate intuitively with aspects of nature and ‘be one’ with nature
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed for each student, which includes specific needs, abilities, interests, goals (learning, social, emotional, mental health, etc), and pathways to goals. The IEP is developed in collaboration with teacher(s), parents and student. 
  • Observational informal reporting and periodic goal-assessment
  • Teacher facilitation: universal design; integrated skills; all learning styles incorporated; brain-friendly strategies; sensory-based learning (kinesthetic, visual, auditory, earth and nature immersion); task scaffolding, chunking and organizational support; literacy skills (English and Math) integrated throughout
  • Special Needs Services NOT provided: 1:1 support; toileting support; feeding support; communication support; behaviour management; ESL; remedial literacy or remedial math (can recommend tutors)
  • Collaborative noon meal preparation
  • Small cohorts (5 students)

Teacher-Facilitator: Linda Lonseth, B.Mus, M.Mus, B.Ed

  • Experienced school teacher
    * 10 years with Toronto District School Board in high school English, music, ESL, special education, careers;
    * 2.5 years previous supply teaching experience with elementary, middle school, and high school students;
    * 3 years international teaching experience in Bangkok, Thailand in elementary and high school music and ESL
  • Experienced music teacher (16 years teaching private piano and voice lessons to students of all ages)
  • Instructor of intuitive skill development, emotional self-healing, and frequency healing (with sound, light, and energy).
  • Leader of nature retreats and shamanic lightwork

If this interests you, get in touch!
Location is yet to be determined - and open to ideas!

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