Life Changes Inner Journey

With Personal Mentoring

Go deeper within to connect with your true self, 
and find the answers and direction
you seek

Is this you?

You have experienced some deep disappointment or loss, some startling life changes, or perhaps there’s just that inner dissatisfaction with how things are, and a burning desire to figure out what you’re here to do.  You might be wondering what your deeper purpose is, or what your life is all about.  What’s the point? Why am I here?  Where do I go next? This is very unsettling, at the very least, and can be profoundly disturbing and frustrating.  

You're not alone.

Just know that you are not alone. There are many that have already faced this, and many, many more who are now facing huge changes in their lives. Our world is changing rapidly, and so are we! Many people are asking deeper questions and seeking answers to big questions.  

You're frustrated!

You may have thought that there was something wrong with you, that your life has 'gone wrong'. What if it’s not that? You may have spent a lot of time and money on self-help strategies, therapy, professional help, physical remedies, energy therapies, spiritual pursuits – the list goes on and on and on.  And if they had helped you, you wouldn’t be here right now!

What's Really Required

What if what’s really required is very different than you have been told to believe?  What if the answers really are within, and the ‘fix-it’ perspective is simply too small. You are much bigger than you have ever imagined. Stepping into being who you truly are, as vast as it is, is what is required now.

What You'll Gain

Here is what you'll gain in this magical four-month journey.

Profound ways to connect with every aspect of your ‘inner self’
so you can BE the truth of who you really are and what you are here for

Compassionate guidance to heal and nourish your inner heart
so you can be the Love that you truly are and open your heart to receive

Powerful tools to access your own intuitive knowing
so you can get clear answers and direct guidance from the ‘true you’ within

Easy practices to raise your frequency
so you can get ‘in the flow’ where magic and miracles happen

Pain-free energy facilitation to clear out inner blocks, old stories, and crippling fears
so there is nothing in the way of creating what you desire

Clear insights about how we perceive the world and the nature of reality,
so that you can create beyond the limitations of ‘reality’ – including powerful tools of energy and light to do so

Key Topics

These are some of the key topics or areas that are usually necessary.
Whatever you require is what will be covered in the sessions and materials.

Personal mentoring is a combination of one-to-one facilitation sessions,
audios, written activities and materials, and personal work at home.

  • Heart Healing and Emotional Self-Healing Skills: release emotions and trauma, grieve losses, and be able to care for your emotional and mental health.
  • Personal Clarity: Get really clear about your own values, needs, desires, feelings, fears, preferences, beliefs, and motivations. Get to know yourself more and more deeply.
  • Inner Connection and Oneness:  Connect everything in your inner world – your heart, your Being, I AM / Source / God, other aspects of who you are – and practise receiving and nourishing everything that you are, to bring all into oneness.  This is really the main key.
  • Higher Vibrations: Get on a higher frequency where you can access more of who you truly are, and open up the ‘magic’ of creating what you’re here to create.
  • Deep Core Work:  Deal with inner blocks like fears, traumas, negative self-beliefs, and programs that get in the way of your forward progress.  Rebalance your body’s energies with frequency healing.
  • Intuitive Skills and Telepathic Communication: Develop your intuitive abilities and telepathic communication skills so you can communicate with your inner self to get clear answers and guidance.
  • Create and Transform: Learn powerful tools to be able to transform challenging situations and create what you truly desire

What's It Like?


One thing that people often wonder is how I will work with them – what is actually happening?

Well, I tune into someone’s energy while we are together, and get the information about the most important thing that is required at that time.  Everything that I do in a session is intuitively guided in real time.  That means there are no set formulas or procedures that I follow; rather, I am guided to do whatever is necessary at the time.  I draw from a variety of modalities and techniques, and sometimes new ones show up while we are working!


Some people are not familiar with what energy work is like.  It’s not like the electricity in the wall; it’s a much higher frequency that we cannot usually measure with instruments.  When you work with energy processes, it’s common to not be able to feel anything if it is new to you, until you become more familiar and sensitive to it (it took me a few months). 

Our bodies are made of energy – just dancing, jigging energy that appears solid.  Using energy frequencies, we can balance the energies of our body, we can rearrange patterns of energy that are ‘stuck’, and we can let go of emotional energies and other trauma energies – just for starters!  I use light frequencies which are extremely high frequency, and this can do amazing things for our bodies, brains, energy circuits, and hearts.

Some people wonder how we can do energy work when we’re not together.  Well, it is actually just as effective as being physically in the same room. We are all ‘swimming in the same ocean’ of energy, and so it is easy to ‘connect’ whether in person or across the world.  Time and space make no difference.


Linda's work has impacted me in multiple ways to bring focus and clarity into stepping into my power and embracing change! I highly recommend working with Linda as her guidance is priceless.

Joey W Educator and Marketer


In a typical session, we’ll first talk so that you can express what’s going on for you, and I can really hear you. At the same time, I’m sensing what is going on for you energetically, and where we need to start.  Most sessions will start with some kind of guided breathing to help you settle into your body, and be calm and able to focus on what we’ll be doing. These sessions involve deep core work, heart healing, energy/light healing, or guided visualizations. 

The guided visualizations are like 'adventures' where you access very interesting places! You are fully aware of being in the room, and fully present when we do these visualizations. You just put your attention wherever it needs to be, and that’s as easy as it is.

Sometimes a session will be more like receiving healing light frequencies, and sometimes it will be partly instructional, depending on what is required.  Since I work with light and space, there may be times that I need to take care of something with your permission.

Overall, what is a session like? It’s a fun, relaxing, playful adventure – you never know exactly what is going to come up! Sometimes it’s cosmic, sometimes we are working with other dimensions, sometimes it’s going into the depths of your tender heart – you just never know, and it’s ALWAYS interesting! One thing for sure, it is NOT overwhelming or painful. We can take the sting out of anything, no worries!

Salman describes what his multi-dimensional visualization session was like, below:

Salman S.

Industry Retail, Toronto

“It was the first time I’ve had an interactive visualization where I was guided through the meditation visually, and Linda was very detailed and specific, which I like - she'll guide you to where you need to be.” 


Some people wonder what is really meant by the spiritual aspect of what we do.  I work with the most basic spiritual concepts: Truth, Love, and Oneness.  People come from a variety of backgrounds, some very religious, some not at all religious, some spiritual rather than religious, and it really does not matter.  We are all at different places in terms of how we view the world and the cosmos, and the common essence of it all is infinite Love. 

If you have never done anything remotely spiritual before, that does not really matter.  What is necessary is the willingness to be and do whatever your higher being requires of you; and the desire that Love and Truth would be the most important thing in your life and in the world. None of us are perfect, but we can be willing and we can have true desires.


I’ve worked with hundreds of clients in the last 14 years to resolve some really tricky issues, and I draw not only from my training in energy modalities, but from my own experience, and from channeled information and abilities of my higher being.  All of the light frequency work I do has been directly received.

Some of the previous certifications include: Integrated Health Coach, (Meta-Medicine); Practitioner (Advanced Clearing Energetics); Advanced Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique); Body Process Facilitator (Access Consciousness).  I have also worked extensively with Emotion Code, Body Code, Matrix Re-imprinting and Timeline Therapy, and what I call ‘Playing with Spaces’.

All of this varied experience and training means that I have a lot of different ways to work with individual needs, to get results. 

Who this Is For?

This is for you if:

  • You are willing to try new things
  • You are willing to go deep within to do inner work
  • You are interested in authentic spiritual experiences
  • You value and desire infinite Love and Truth

This is NOT for you if:

  • You want someone else to ‘heal’ you.  This approach is not passive!  
  • You have no desire for any kind of spiritual connection
  • You are not willing to go deep within and face some tough stuff.  
  • You're looking for career change counseling only - this is much deeper and will help you align to your true 'purpose' in what you do

You may be wondering what this process will require of you, personally.  Here it is!

  • Be clear that this is YOUR journey, and that you are creating it. 
    Whatever we do together comes from your Being and body.
  • Spend time daily going within, whether reflecting, journaling, meditating, etc
  • Be willing to do whatever is required by your 'higher self'
  • Take a little time to practise new habits and tools that will create a big difference
  • Complete the various kinds of ‘assignments’ that will facilitate your intuitive development and ability to transform and create
What's Included
  • 8 twice-monthly individual sessions on Zoom (60 minutes)
  • An audio recording of each session to listen again for new insights
  • Transformational tools and exercises to use on your own (an essential part of the work and your success)
  • Handouts (pdfs) and journal activities
  • Meditation audio download: “Breathing I AM” (free gift on this site)
  • Energy healing audio download: “Letting Go of Fears That Hold You Back”  
  • Deep Heart Healing audio “Return to I AM Love” (50-minute deep heart clearing facilitation with light, spaces, and shamanic sound healing)
  • Occasional videos to clarify certain tools or concepts
  • Not included: extra phone or email facilitation between sessions.  Extra sessions can be booked if required.

Some Details

What You Need
  • Zoom app and webcam and microphone
    (It is possible to work on the phone sometimes if absolutely necessary.)
  • Adobe Acrobat or other pdf reader
  • Journal and favourite pen!  (or computer)
  • Quiet private space for our calls so you can go deep, without interruption
  • Scheduling
  • You will be sent a link to Acuity scheduling app after payment has been processed.
  • You book two sessions per month in the slots available on the app.
  • All 8 sessions should be completed within the 4-month period if possible.
  • Contact Info
  • I can be reached by email, mobile phone, WhatsApp, and Signal, and will provide that contact information
  • I will request your emergency contact information, in case I need to cancel a session.
  • Payment

    Four months (8 sessions) of Personal Mentoring in your Life Changes Inner Journey is $1200.

    This is payable upon registration, with a variety of payment options (see below).


    • E-transfer within Canada (full amount, or two equal payments, or four equal payments) - link sent by email (request below)
      Four-month Journey: 1200 / 600 x 2 / 300 x 4
    • Debit (full payment only at this time, sorry!)
    • Credit card for full payment or payment plans (two payments or six payments) - Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
    Personal Mentoring
    Two Payments





    Two Payments
    Two months apart

    Personal Mentoring
    Six Payments



    Six Equal Payments


    You may prefer a single intake session if you are new to this kind of work. This gives you an opportunity to find out if this approach is a ‘fit’ for you.  However, you can simply start the 4-month discovery journey right away if you so desire.  

    What’s included in this 90-minute session:

    • A chance to be fully heard – be able to express what your situation is, the background, what your frustrations are, what you’ve tried that didn’t quite do it for you, what you are looking for, and what you hope to achieve. Much of this will already have been covered on the phone, hopefully, but more information-gathering may be required.
    • A facilitation session for you to experience what this kind of work is like and how it feels to work with me
    • An intuitive assessment and recommendations for possible further work
    • An Intake Session with Intuitive Assessment is $200

    Are you ready to get started?!

    Ask any question! 

    Send me a quick message with your question or request, or leave your phone number to have a chat!